- Added Railgoon, upgrades from assasin. Its firepower increases overtime, shooting resets it
- Added Skillex, upgrades from makaush. Press right click to switch your build, press g to reset the current build.
- Whirlwind branch can now reduce/increase the orbit of bullets by pressing left/right click
- Text object rewrite (should stabilise FPS a ton)
- Chat now is rounded side effect of the rewrite
- Organised how information is sent to client (Packet avg 1/4 of the sizes)
- Medic can now defend itself right click an enemy instead or a square
- Patched invisibility so you dont expand like your dying when going transparent
- Possibly made explosions slightly more reliable
- Entities are organised in a type based system so entities arent as laggy clientside
- Entities no longer go idle if outside a players view
- Fixed notification messages not going away
- FFA the bot now picks from random classes and retreats when low
- Changelog is now in the menu (WIP)
- Menu changes like these (WIP)
- Added Settings (WIP)
- Patched Critical memory leak